Commonsense Methods for Children with Special Educational Needs
This fifth edition of this successful title provides teachers with an immediate and comprehensive source of practical strategies for meeting children's special needs in regular classrooms.Fully revised and updated, this fifth edition includes expanded chapters on: learning difficulties students with intellectual, physical or sensory disabilities behaviour management self-regulation the teaching of literacy and numeracy skills adapting curriculum and instruction.
This resource demonstrates how to support young children's language development, including those with special needs, and discusses appropriate expectations for youngsters from birth to age five.
The Special Educator's Tool Kit is an informative and practical guide to help those involved in the education of children with special educational needs. Written with the special educator or teacher in mind, it covers the pertinent issues that relate to providing a structured and meaningful education for children with specific or multiple functional and learning needs.
How can architectural form respond to the unique needs of children and support and reinforce the pedagogy of a childrens centre? So much of the teaching in Early Learning revolves around the importance of a childs environment on their development. Over the last 100 years, many divergent philosophies have evolved with a wide breadth and depth of thinking and with an equally wide range of architectural responses. Children are a unique client with heightened sensory needs, special scale considerations and a totally different way of moving through and perceiving space to adults.
Hollywood has made a star of Todd Pickett. But time is catching up with him.He doesn't have the perfect looks he had last year. After plastic surgery goesawry, Todd needs somewhere to hide away for a few months while his scarsheal.