Developed to meet the demand for a low-cost, high-quality history book, CENGAGE ADVANTAGE BOOKS: THE EARTH AND ITS PEOPLES, Fifth Edition, offers readers the complete THE EARTH AND ITS PEOPLES, Fifth Edition, text in an affordable format.
Added by: drazhar | Karma: 1455.89 | Other exams, Medicine | 22 October 2014
Thoroughly revised and updated for its 2015 Edition with the help of the physician educators of Doctors in, LLC, Step-Up to USMLE Step 1 delivers comprehensive, systems-based review for the USMLE Step 1 exam. The book has been wide¬ly acclaimed for its organization, which parallels the USMLE Step 1 content outline and helps students synthesize the information from their basic science courses. The popular, user-friendly format features numerous charts and diagrams, plus “Quick Hits” notes in the margins that help students integrate concepts across systems.
The "graying of America" is perhaps the most significant demographic event of recent times. Health care and nutrition have improved, and baby boomers reaching middle age and retirement will influence American society both now and in the years to come. Vierck and Hodges present vital statistics on aging Americans in a readable and interesting format, describing trends, offering insights, and providing a framework for understanding the data.
Updated in its 4th edition, Beebe, Public Speaking Handbook provides a unique, audience-centered approach in a reader-friendly reference format. Adapted from the authors’ top-selling public speaking book, the handbook format makes it a quick and easy way access to key information. Its distinctive and popular audience-centered approach emphasizes the importance of analyzing and considering the audience at every point in preparing and delivering a speech. This public speaking model serves as a foundation as the book guides readers through the step-by-step process of public speaking, focusing their attention on the importance and dynamics of diverse audiences.