Added by: msaddam | Karma: 741.13 | Coursebooks, Other | 12 December 2008
BBC Learning English-Speaking and Writing is a booklet where the questions of the learners from around the world are answered from the Experts of BBC.Here the questions are related to Speaking and Writing in English e.g difference between Brish and American forms, style,pronunciation etc.
Multilingualism in the English-Speaking World is the winner of the BAAL Book Prize 2005. Multilingualism in the English-Speaking World: Pedigree of Nations explores the consequences of English as a global language and multilingualism as a social phenomenon. Written accessibly, it explores the extent of diversity in 'inner circle' English speaking countries (the UK, the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand) and examines language in the home, school, and the wider community.
-Considers the perspectives of English as a global language as well as multilingualism as a social phenomenon. -Written in an accessible style that draws on contemporary real life examples. -Examines the everyday realities of people living in 'inner circle' English-speaking countries, such as the UK, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. -Discusses the theoretical issues that underpin current debates, drawing on research literature on societal multilingualism, language maintenance and shift, language policy, language and power, and language and identity.
These essays comprise a first attempt to assess overall the attention awarded to Leibniz’s philosophy in the English-speaking worldin his own time and up to the present day.
In addition to an introductory overview there are fourteen original and previously unpublished essays considering Leibniz’s connections with his English-speaking contemporaries and near contemporaries as well as the later reception of his thought in Anglo-American philosophy. Some of the papers shed new light on familiar topics, including the influence of Hobbes on Leibniz, his relations with Locke and the well-publicised controversy with Samuel Clarke. Others chart less familiar territory, including Leibniz’s connections with Boyle and Berkeley, Wilkins and Dalgarno. And others still break new ground in considering Leibniz’s connections with John Wallis and Margaret Cavendish. There are four concluding papers on the later reception of Leibniz’s philosophy in the English-speaking world, including two on Bertrand Russell and Leibniz, and two on the reception of Leibniz by American philosophers, Peirce and Loemker.
A History of the English-Speaking Peoples
Author: Sir Winston Churchill
Format / Quality: 46 separate MP3 files
Size: 771 MB
A History of the English-Speaking Peoples is
a four-volume history of the British stem of
the English-speaking people and the American branch,
written by Winston Churchill,
covering the period
from Caesar's invasions of Britain (55 BC)
to the beginning of the First World War (1914).
It started in 1937 and was finally published 1956–1958,
delayed several times due to war and his work on other texts.
An Encyclopedia of Swearing: The Social History of Oaths, Profanity, Foul Language, And Ethnic Slurs in the English-speaking World
This is the only encyclopedia and social history of swearing and foul language in the English-speaking world. It covers the various social dynamics that generate swearing, foul language, and insults in the entire range of the English language. While the emphasis is on American and British English, the different major global varieties, such as Australian, Canadian, South African, and Caribbean English are also covered.