The Marketing Plan - How to Prepare and Implement it 4th Ed.
Even if you’ve created marketing plans before—it doesn’t matter. The rules have changed. With the advent of Web 2.0 business strategies like Search Engine Optimization, Social Networking, Pay-Per-Click, and dozens more, it may seem like you need to start from scratch.
Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Fiction literature | 21 July 2011
Report from Engine Co. 82
From his bawdy and brave fellow firefighters to the hopeful, hateful, beautiful and beleaguered residents of the poverty-stricken district where he works, Dennis Smith tells the story of a brutalising yet rewarding profession.
The Most Powerful Idea in the World - A Story of Steam, Industry and Invention
If all measures of human advancement in the last hundred centuries were plotted on a graph, they would show an almost perfectly flat line--until the eighteenth century, when the Industrial Revolutionwould cause the line to shoot straight up, beginning an almost uninterrupted march of progress. In The Most Powerful Idea in the World, William Rosentells the story of the men responsible for the Industrial Revolution and the machine that drove it--the steam engine. In the process he tackles the question that has obsessed historians ever since: What madeeighteenth-century Britain such fertile soil for inventors?
Imagine a world without oil – impossible. Eyewitness Oil is an up-to-date look at petroleum - why we need it, where we get it, and how we use it. By tracing its roots from 6,500 years ago in the Middle East, through the Dawn of the Oil Age in 1853, and finally to present day, find out why oil truly is king. Stunning real-life photography of oil tankers, refineries, and spills lets you be an eyewitness to the substance long referred to as 'black gold'. See the inner workings of a car engine, find out how geologists locate underground oil deposits, and get an insider's look at the substance responsible for the beginning and, if we're not careful, the end of life as we know it today.
The little Engine that CouldReading level: Baby-Preschool PreSchool-Grade 2–This classic tale has been re-released with updated illustrations and a larger format. The text remains the same. The art, done with acrylics, is stylized and still retains a bit of an old-fashioned flavor. Nevertheless, the '30s look is definitely gone. In its place, readers will find artwork suggestive of a retro '50s look. As with the original, the clown takes center stage. His outfit, however, has changed from green polka dots to red pants, yellow shirt, and a colorful stocking cap.