Dominic O'Brien, eight-times World Memory Champion, outlines in simple language the steps you can take to increase your memory power and pass your exams with flying colours. Whether you are at school studying a foreign language or at university revising for an examination toward a degree, "How to Pass Exams" will show you the easy way to accelerated learning and help you achieve top grades in any subject. In this practical and accessible guide, Dominic O'Brien shares with you the secret of his amazing talents and offers you the key to success in your studies.
Dominic's middle name is trouble, but not because he's got a troublesome nature, but quite simply because he's always in the wrong place at the wrong time. So it's not surprising that he's only allowed on the school trip to Thundercliff Bay - home to pirate legend, chilling ghost stories and lost treasure - by the skin of his teeth. Or that strict Mr Risley-Newsome, who has his beady eye on him, makes him stay at the youth hostel for forgetting his walking boots. What is surprising is that a very special discovery made by Dominic saves the day when the whole class is in serious danger, and proves to everyone that sometimes he can be in the right place at the right time.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 11 September 2011
Death and the Joyful Woman
A millionaire is murdered and Inspector Felse, after sifting through the few shreds of evidence, finally arrests Kitty Norris, his teenaged son Dominic's first love. A young man's infatuation soon becomes something far more dangerous, though, as Dominic takes on Kitty's cause--in direct opposition to his father's investigation.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 11 September 2011
Fallen into the Pit
When an obnoxious former Nazi land-worker is murdered in the small English village of Comerford, Chad Wedderburn, classics master and hero of the Resistance in WWII, is accused of the murder. But none of his students believes he is guilty, including Dominic Felse, who discovered the body. Dominic resolves to discover the true murderer.
A long, delicious trip to the land of Irving is hands-down the best way to begin the month of October. A trio of tragic events (though the prize for most hell-shocking goes to the third) exiles widower and camp cook Dominic Baciagalupo and his son Danny from a mid-century logging outpost called Twisted River. They leave behind the Bunyan-esque lumberjack Ketchum--a gruff, eccentric, dyed-in-the-wool Yankee--who remains their sole connection to the past. What's next neither father nor son knows: their rootless existence moves swiftly in and out of New England, tied ostensibly to jobs for Dominic and schools for Danny, but it seems one foot is always back in those New Hampshire woods.