Дополнительный материал к курсу англ.яз для детей Disney's World Of English Basic Abcs. 12 видео уроков. Многосерийное учебное издание Disney's World Of English Program Basic Abcs для детей от 4 до 10 лет. Игра, в которой ребенок не может проиграть. Знания, которые приходят сами. Встреча с любимыми героями диснеевских мультиков. Активное участие – 100% восприятие. Сказка, в которой ребенок говорит по-английски играючи.
New characters from children’s favourite latest Disney/Pixar films, including Brave, Cars, Frozen and Tangled. A faster vocabulary syllabus with up to 15 words introduced in every unit with constant recycling and revisions. Complete digital support for teachers with software for Interactive Whiteboards, including interactive games and clips from Disney/Pixar films.Specially arranged songs to engage children and karaoke versions for school competitions. New Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) lessons in every unit so you can teach children about other cultures and the real world while they’re also learning English.
The Art Of Walt Disney: From Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdoms
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 10 August 2015
First published in 1973, The Art of Walt Disney is one of the most successful and influential illustrated art books on American popular culture ever published. This book was the first to reveal the wealth of concept art, animation drawings, and archival material created in the course of animating films.
What Are the Imagineers Trying to Hide? That’s what you’ll find out in best-selling Disney app designer Mike Fox’s in-depth look at over 150 secret story elements that Disney Imagineers have purposely hidden throughout Disneyland.
Disney Discovery Series Book and Record Give your Child A head start in learning to Read with this 24 Page Book filled with full-color illustrations and Audio (Read-Along Record) Each Book Audio and combination is fun-filled experience in music and Story adventure featuring: – Word for Word Story NARRATION – Dramatic Character dialogue – Authentic sound Effects – Musical Backgrounds – Favorite Songs to Sing See the Pictures – Hear the Records – Read the Books!