This manual is designed as an intensive introduction to the various tools of molecular biology. It introduces all the basic methods of molecular biology including cloning, PCR, Southern (DNA) blotting, Northern (RNA) blotting, Western blotting, DNA sequencing, oligo-directed mutagenesis, and protein expression.
Launch into Literacy is a structured five-book course for 6-11 year olds. THe course presents a range of texts for children to study as models for their own writing, and contextualized activities at text, sentence, and word level. It is ideally suited for use in literacy lessons with whole class and group activities. Book 3 offers ...
New Headway DVD-video, Beginner (2001) is designed to be used as a supplement to the 2nd edition of the Headway Beginner English course. However, it can also be used as a graded, stand-alone resource to supplement any beginner English teaching course. The accompanying workbook is also here in pdf form.
video activitybook+smaller files with subtitles
Edited by: PAV - 13 November 2010
Reason: torrent-file without the registration added
Click On is a five-level course consisting of five modules each for learners of English from complete beginner to intermediate level. In full colour, the course combines active English language learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed units.