"Matura Companion Egzamin Ustny i Pisemny Poziom podstawowy - Audio CD's" contain listening activities for 15 sample exam sets required at basic version of the written matura exam - level B1.
Matura Companion. Egzamin ustny i pisemny. Poziom rozszerzony obejmuje ćwiczenia i przykładowe zestawy egzaminacyjne, umożliwiające rozwijanie wszystkich sprawności językowych testowanych na maturze ustnej i pisemnej, a także szczegółowy opis egzaminu, omówienie punktacji i kryteriów oceniania. Liczne komentarze i praktyczne wskazówki pomogą w doskonaleniu niezbędnych strategii rozwiązywania poszczególnych typów zadań egzaminacyjnych.
This comprehensive guide to written and spoken English offers details of usage in all countries where English used. The writer's, speaker's and reader's handy companion; the student's source. A book for browsing, for rules and for reference.
A Study in Scarlet introduced the great scientific detective Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson, his friend and chronicler, to the reading public. This novel, a cornerstone in the annals of crime fiction, tells of their first meeting and how they set up in rooms together in Baker Street. It is not long before the charismatic sleuth and his faithful companion are plunged into a dramatic mystery which starts with the discovery of a corpse in a deserted house and the letters RACHE scrawled on the wall in blood.
The Edinburgh Companion to Ancient Greece and Rome
Added by: lucius5 | Karma: 1660.85 | Non-Fiction, Other | 7 September 2009
The Edinburgh Companion is a gateway to the fascinating worlds of ancient Greece and Rome. Wide-ranging in its approach, expert contributors demonstrate the multifaceted nature of classic civilization by drawing together perspectives and methods of different disciplines, from philosophy to history, poetry to archaeology, art history to numismatics, and many more.