A twenty-year veteran of the classroom, elementary school teacher Phillip Done takes readers through a lively and hilarious year in the classroom. Starting with the relative calm before the storm of buying school supplies and posting class lists, he shares the distinct personalities of grades K-4, what he learned from two professional trick or treating 8-year-old boys, the art of learning cursive and letter-writing, how kindergartners try to trap leprechauns, and what every child should experience before he or she grows up.
Promoting Behaviour for Learning in the Classroom offers essential support to help you develop capacity and confidence in managing behaviour in the group setting of the classroom. It provides a concise analysis of established behaviour management strategies, recognising that no single approach will work for all pupils and that central to effective practice is an understanding of the different personal attributes and experiences teachers and pupils bring to the classroom
Preventing Discipline Problems, K-12: Cued to Classroom Management Training Handbook covers every aspect of classroom management and illustrates how to tap into the teacher’s most influential tool in the classroom: the person inside the teacher. Schools across the United States, as well as 15 other countries, use this text and accompanying training handbook to help train teachers to negotiate classroom problems.
The Classroom Management Training Handbook is cued to the textbook Preventing Classroom Disruptive Behavior, Grades K-12, Fourth Edition. It uniquely provides private, confidential self-training for a troubled teacher, or it can be used by professors of education, teacher-trainers, or school administrators to train or repair the problems teachers have in their classrooms. The book includes: • Actual Case Studies Through Which Teachers Share Their Similar Problems/Solutions • Self-Training Exercises • Checklists for Each Chapter • Access to the Author to Consult with Him Confidentially Online
The issue of teacher quality is increasingly seen as being central to education policy development and this emphasis highlights the role teacher professional development plays in improving teacher effectiveness and the quality of learning in the classroom. This book describes a large-scale research program which investigated the feasibility of using student perceptual measures as the basis for teacher development and classroom improvement. The book describes how teachers' use of the student feedback, as part of an action-research process, was used to guide improvements to their respective classrooms which in turn provided them with increased opportunities for teacher development and growth.