High School Physics TutorBasic and advanced topics in physics, specifically tailored for high school students. Topics include vectors, statics, kinematics, dynamics, energy/power, impulse/momentum, hydrostatics/aerostatics, electric circuits, magnetics, and radiation. Also included are chapter introductions which review major physics principles and their applications to problem-solving.
"The Grammar Lab" is for children aged 9-12. There are books at three levels of difficulty from beginner to intermediate, suitable for use on their own or in support of a general coursebook. Within each chapter, grammar rules are taught in stages. Exercises follow each stage to check understanding. Teacher's Book added Thanks to irinasharina
Including transcripts of three lectures and an interview, this work presents results from noted linguist Chomsky's November 1999 visit to the University of Siena's Certosa di Pontignano. The varied collection of essays offers a unique introduction to the minimalist approach to linguistics.
Edited by: naokokt - 11 April 2010
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Warriner’s goal in preparing his handbooks was to create "a completely flexible teaching tool adaptable to ... any individual classroom." He did not design his books to be teaching texts in which the class moves sequentially from chapter to chapter, every student doing all the exercises along the way. In fact, he asserted just the opposite: "[A] book of this kind is not intended for methodical coverage from cover to cover. The book contains more material than any one class can handle in a single year. Teachers will teach those chapters that a particular class needs and will assign exercises in proportion to the need."
The Astrology Book: The Encyclopedia of Heavenly Influences
The scientific, historic, and popular basis behind the ancient art of astrology is explored in this comprehensive reference. The guide also includes a table of astrological glyphs and abbreviations, a section on casting a chart, and a chapter that explains and interprets every planet in every house and sign.