The Merchant of Venice is a richly complicated and, to some, a deeply disturbing work. Several themes are presented within the framework of a traditional comedy that calls for the triumph of young lovers over their restrictive elders. Yet, the play, with its highly debated portrayal of the moneylender Shylock, resists easy categorization, incorporating elements of tragedy and romance in equal portion. This new edition of critical essays features an introduction by Shakespearean scholar Harold Bloom, a chronology of the Bard's life, a bibliography, and an index for quick reference
The Complete Shakespeare Sonnets [Unabridged] [Audiobook]
THE COMPLETE SHAKESPEARE SONNETS read by Outstanding Actors of the American and British stage: Patrick Stewart, Natasha Richardson, Ossie Davis, Al Pacino, Claire Bloom, Kathleen Turner, Alfred Molina, Lindsay Crouse, Ruby Dee, Brian Stokes Mitchell and more
Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin (Bloom's Guides)Harriet Beecher Stowe's powerful antislavery novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin", published in 1851, caused an immediate sensation and sparked heated debate. This addition to the "Bloom's Guides" series examines the structure and characters of the novel and provides critical analysis. Essays discuss the novel as an agent of social change, fairness in the novel, the novel as an abolitionist tract, and more. An annotated bibliography and a listing of other works by the author complement the text.
Harper Lee's To kill a mockingbird (Bloom's Guides)
Published in 1960 and awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1961, To Kill a Mockingbird explores the often-tenuous connections that bind a family and a community together. The coming-of-age tale of its young narrator, Jean Louise "Scout" Finch, of Maycomb, Alabama, is interwoven with explorations of the issues of prejudice, innocence, compassion, and hypocrisy. This new collection of critical essays examines this classic work, complete with an annotated bibliography
"The Bluest Eye" is one of Toni Morrison's most powerful novels. The Nobel laureate's debut is the story of Pecola Breedlove, a young black girl who prays for her eyes to turn blue so that she can resemble the children who live in a world that is barred to her. This guide to "The Bluest Eye" features excerpts of critical essays, an annotated bibliography, an index, and an introduction from esteemed professor Harold Bloom.