The Week – for curious minds who want an intelligent and independent view of the world. Designed for the way today's busy executives and thought leaders live, The Week curates over a thousand media sources from around the world to offer a true global and balanced perspective on the issues today-all in a concise, readable package.
The Week – for curious minds who want an intelligent and independent view of the world. Designed for the way today's busy executives and thought leaders live, The Week curates over a thousand media sources from around the world to offer a true global and balanced perspective on the issues today-all in a concise, readable package.
В сборник вошли короткие познавательные рассказы, стихи, загадки, смешные истории о самых разнообразных вещах и явлениях. Материал книги тесно переплетается с темами школьной программы и может быть использован как на занятиях по устной практике, так и для домашнего чтения. Тексты сопровождаются различными типами заданий.
Babel is the quarterly language magazine that brings you cutting edge linguistic research in an accessible and colourful format. Our print and digital issues cover a vast array of language lovers' lore, taking in languages from around the world, the past, present and future of language and the many different uses of linguistics in the world around us. Each 52-page issue contains unique articles on linguistic issues such as Polari - the 'lost' language of gay men, the lyrics of women rappers, and the etymology of place names, as well as regular features including our Linguistic Lexicon, Languages of the World and Ask a Linguist.