Written in a student-friendly style, this modestly priced text shows teachers how to use measurement and statistics wisely in their classes. Although there is some discussion of theory, emphasis is given to the practical, everyday uses of measurement and statistics such as how to develop and use effective classroom tests, how to carry out informal assessments, performance assessments, portfolio assessments, and how to use and interpret standardized tests. Part II provides a more complete coverage of basic descriptive statistics and their use in the classroom than any text now available.
Książka przeznaczona dla wszystkich, którzy chcą sprawdzić swoje umiejętności przed egzaminem. Seria Practice Tests Plus zawiera kompletny zestaw testów do egzaminów FCE.
The Practice Tests Plus series introduces students to exam formats and provides step-by-step task guidance and useful tips to maximise their chances of excelling. The eight complete practice tests in the book are as authentic as possible and provide FCE candidates with excellent practice opportunities. The level is well judged.
An innovative, five-level beginner's course for young learners from the age of 10.The fifth level, Project Plus, is a revision level with the emphasis on skills extension, in particular reading and speaking. (Notice: Those should be all the revision tests used for the purpose of testing the advancement in the learning following the lectures given in the course book under the same title.)
The book consites of 3 level tests (26 in all) for primary students age 7-9. With Keys. First level: 10 test, second level 8 tests, third level 8 tests - plenty of topic such as: my body / animals / clothes / my family / things a school / feelings and needs and more. ALL EXPLANATION ARE IN POLISH (BUT IT'S EASY TO UNDERSTAND)
In a few minutes you'll be able to start practicing and testing your TOEIC vocabulary skills in both an effective and pleasant way. You will experience a new and exciting method of increasing your TOEIC word power. new tests added Thanks to msaddam!