What's the ol' purple and green dinosaur up to now? Why, he spots Baby Bop at the gazebo with a bunch of books set up, so she can play librarian. This gets Barney in the mood to share some classic fairy tales and nursery rhymes, where the kids as well as BJ and Baby Bop play the characters. The settings of the following fairy tales and nursery rhymes take place in either the park or the caboose: The Shoemaker & the Elves, The Sharing Hen, Three Billy Goats Gruff, Little Boy Blue/Old King Cole, Goldilocks & the Three Bears, The Tortoise & the Hare, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, The Girl Who Cried Wolf (not Boy in this children's DVD), Three Little Kittens, and Jack & the Beanstalk.
How to Tell a Story: The Secrets of Writing Captivating Tales
By Peter Rubie and Gary Provost
Renowned instruction of the late Gary Provost with the literary and publishing savvy of his longtime colleague and friend Peter Rubie to show you how to transform your fiction, nonfiction or screenplay idea into a captivating tale sure to find an audience. Drawing on Provost's proven philosophies, Rubie examines every facet of storytelling, from narrative hooks to fulfilling climaxes. Through advice, exercises and an outstanding array of examples, you'll learn to create gripping narratives powered by strong characters. You'll discover the secrets of:
Myths and Myth-Makers - Old Tales and Superstitions Interpreted by Comparative Mythology
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