Digital Knowledge Maps in Education: Technology-Enhanced Support for Teachers and Learners
Digital knowledge maps are ‘at a glance’ visual representations that enable enriching, imaginative and transformative ways for teaching and learning, with the potential to enhance positive educational outcomes. The use of such maps has generated much attention and interest among tertiary education practitioners and researchers over the last few years as higher education institutions around the world begin to invest heavily into new technologies designed to provide online spaces within which to build resources and conduct activities.
Vietnam Firebases 1965-73: American and Australian Forces
Artillery fire support bases of the Freeworld forces played a critical role in the conduct of operations during the Vietnam War. They served to lay down high-volume fire on enemy firing sites, supported friendly infantry operations, and executed harassing fire missions where exact targets were not known. But the firebases themselves - which housed a range of other facilities such as troop shelters, surveillance radars and command centers - had to be defended against ground attack, and as a result became significant fortifications in their own right. This book describes the design, development and operational history of the fire support bases throughout the conflict.
This friendly and accessible book stresses the significance of support at each stage of the learning process to minimize learner drop-out and underachievement. It considers a broad range of support that learners may need from their tutors, from making a choice of learning programme to their exit and progression to further learning or employment.. .
Being Alongside: For the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
How do you establish a classroom culture in which students routinely conjecture and think mathematically? How do you establish a way of working with teachers, using video, in which discussion supports professional development? The present book offers answers to these questions through an in depth (enactivist) study of one exceptional teacher in one innovative mathematics department in the UK. The book reveals some striking parallels between working to support students' mathematical thinking and working to support teacher learning.
These cards reinforce, reteach, and review vocabulary. Synonyms, antoyms, definitions, related words, and word families support meaning. Photos support picturable vocabulary.