Coordination problems often make everyday activities a challenge for children with learning disabilities. This accessible manual offers practical strategies and advice for helping children with coordination difficulties. The author explains how to recognize normal and abnormal motor development, when and how to seek help and includes specific teaching strategies to help children with coordination difficulties succeed in the classroom, playground and home. She describes a wide range of therapeutic methods and provides a comprehensive list of resources.
Challenging the assumption that anorexia is an exclusively female affliction, this compelling memoir is the first to describe how a young man overcame this often fatal disorder.В Handsome and popular, Gary had baseball abilities that had attracted the attention of the big leagues, until a shaming inner-voice convinced him that he needed to be thinner, leading to an out-of-control compulsion to exercise and starve himself, causing multiple hospitalizations. Providing strategies for tackling the recovery process and examples of changes in the thinking needed to take those steps, this important narrative...
In this trusted text, you'll find the most current insights into symptoms, signs, epidemiology, etiology, and treatment for over 1,000 diseases and disorders. Turn to any topic, and you'll find on-the-spot answers to your questions for both hospital and ambulatory medicine. This streamlined, authoritative reference gets you up to speed-fast-on the latest medical advances, prevention strategies, cost-effective treatments, and more. No wonder it's the most popular annually updated text in internal medicine!
This is audio CD for the book "Prepare for IELTS - Skills and Strategies - Book one - Listening and speaking", published by INSEARCH. AUDIO ONLY - BOOK NEEDED!
Теория и практические идеи для обучения креативности. Книга состоит из двух соответствующих частей: "Understanding Creative People & Processes" and "Creativity & Classroom Life.". Пригодится как преподавателям, так и родителям. In a nut shell, this is a book about practical strategies for teaching and learning creative thinking skills. Although it has been written primarily for teachers and students, I find that many of the information on theory, strategies and assessment covered by the book are applicable and useful for anyone who is interested in exploring creativity, even in non-academic areas.