The way in which people address one another is crucial to expressing social relationships and is closely linked with cultural values. In English we call some people by their first names, and others ‘Mr’ or ‘Ms’, followed by their surname. In some other languages there are different ways of saying ‘you’ depending on the degree of social distance. Exploring practices in the family, school, university, the workplace and in letters, this book reveals patterns in the varied ways people choose to address one another, from pronouns to first names, from honorifics to titles and last names.
Beating the Odds: A Teen Guide to 75 Superstars Who Overcame Adversity
Many famous people have overcome difficult circumstances and gone on to become successful in their fields. This book profiles the lives of 75 courageous and persistent people who have triumphed over adversity. These individuals have conquered a range of problems, including physical, psychological, social, and economic handicaps. Individuals profiled come from a range of professions and reflect battles against religious prejudice, medical conditions, eating disorders, poverty, and other social ills. .
In the first half of the 19th century, some three million Irish emigrated to America, trading a ruling elite of Anglo-Irish Anglicans for one of WASPs. The Irish immigrants were (self-evidently) not Anglo-Saxon; most were not Protestant; and, as far as many of the nativists were concerned, they weren't white, either. Just how, in the years surrounding the Civil War, the Irish evolved from an oppressed, unwelcome social class to become part of a white racial class is the focus of Harvard lecturer Ignatiev's well-researched, intriguing although haphazardly structured book.
How to swear effectively, explained in detail with numerous examples taken from everyday life
America swears by it! In the English language, swearing is essential to effective communication. Whether you want to succeed in business, school, or social circles, a strong command of vocabulary is absolutely necessary.
International Communications Strategy: Developments in Cross-Cultural Communications, PR and Social Media
International Communications Strategy is about the opportunities and challenges this situation creates for PR practitioners. Effective cross-cultural communication requires knowledge of social media as well as an understanding of online and offline cultures. Moreover, communication practitioners are now expected to provide strategic advice and help executives engage with stakeholders in various parts of the world.