Craft Activism: People, Ideas, and Projects from the New Community of Handmade and How You Can Join In
Join the Handmade Movement! We make to give. We make to share. We make to connect with others. Crafters all over the world are using their hands and hearts to make a statement, change the world, and build community. Craft Activism is an inspiring celebration of this growing movement. Inside, dozens of superstars of this grassroots phenomenon share their experiences, tips, and advice on living, teaching, and promoting a more meaningful DIY lifestyle. Learn to craft for your cause, connect with other crafters, think green, organize a fair, host an online exchange, create yarn graffiti, and more.
Сердечно благодарю всех, кто откликнулся и прислал мне свои материалы для предрождественских уроков! В созданной благодаря вашим и нашим стараниям коллекции вы найдёте: рождественские скороговорки, настольные игры, массу тематических картинок, викторины, загадки и задачки, вопросы для обсуждения, научите (сь) писать письмо Санта-Клаусу и новогодние обещания, поможете эльфам, объявившим забастовку, узнаете, каким способом удобнее всего ограбить снеговика.... и много-много чего ещё! I would like to thank those who volunteered and emailed me their materials for a pre-Christmas lesson. The binder of 140 pages is ready for you to download and enjoy!
Added by: ENGLISHTIPS_admin | Karma: 2028.24 | Site Announcements | 25 November 2012
Seven is a magic number for the magic site! Happy birthday, Englishtips! Happy birthday, friends - this is your holiday, because this is your site.
I would like to thank you, guys, for making this day happen.
Thousands of people come here daily to share the knowledge, to find new ideas or just to look around. A lot of us can't imagine the life without ET. That's true.
Added by: iloveenglishtips | Karma: 3584.11 | Fiction literature | 23 August 2012
This book ushers you into many worlds, all of them our world. It is full of voices, sounds, and people. Stay with them, and they will stay with you. The stories here represent eight tenths of a year. A year that kept slipping, yet also kept giving.Their writers gave them freely, and we do, too.Like all stories, they work in a thousand ways. Some lull, some lure. Some pinch, some stretch.Some are like a thicket, some a formal garden; others seem like valleys slick with rain. All replenish and reward.
The Fun to Learn series is based on current educational principles and follows the framework of the National Curriculum. It presents enjoyable and interesting activities to share and gives ideas and information on how to support and encourage your child's learning.