Added by: Lyudmila A | Karma: 103.16 | Coursebooks, ESP | 17 November 2008
Книга из серии Workshop издательства Oxford University Press. Уровень Lower-Intermediate. A series of Workbooks offering practical English lessons for school students preparing for work.
Workshop Workbook prepares students studying a selected vocational topic (Tourism and Catering) for the English they will need in the real world. The series is the perfect complement to a general English coursebook.
Speed Up Grammar offers a dynamic, visually oriented presentation of English Grammar for EFL students. It can be used a separate practice book or in conjunction with the rest of the Speed Up series, designed according to the principles of copmrehension-based language learning. A very good scan quality. SIZE REDUCEDPDF by Pumukl
Test Your Vocabulary 5 is the fifth in a series of five best-selling Test Your Vocabulary series. This fully revised and updated edition features 60 varied and enjoyable vocabulary tests covering the most important words and phrases needed by elementay level students. REDUCED VERSION by Pumukl
Test Your Vocabulary 1 is the first in a series of five best-selling Test Your Vocabulary series. This fully revised and updated edition features 60 varied and enjoyable vocabulary tests covering the most important words and phrases needed by elementay level students. REDUCED VERSION by Pumukl
Welcome to Poland! This country of 38 million is home to history and tragedy, a Baltic Sea coast and the sweeping Tatra Mountains, modern day luminaries like Lech Walesa and classic heroes like Tadeusz Kościuszko. And at Poland In Your Pocket we’ve prepared a series of guides covering many of the major cities and sights in this vast country to give you info on the best things to see and do.