Judy Moody Predicts the Future
The fourth book in Megan McDonald's wonderfully goofy Judy Moody series will leave fans wondering whether the most irrepressible third-grader in Class 3T just might have ESP. (That's either Extra Special Powers, or Extra-Special Skink Powers--in the case of skink-hunting with Judy's brother Stink.) Our soon-to-be-psychic heroine slurps down seven bowls of cereal one morning before finding what she seeks: "A ring! A silver ring with an oogley center. A mood ring!" Testing out her possibly prescient ring-powers, though, requires all sorts of experimentation--and working through some "burnt-toast" black moods before transforming completely into "Madame M for Moody." |
Tags: Moody, before, Testing, center, ring-powers, Future, Predicts, oogley |