The program is intended for watching videos (avi, mkv, mp4) with subtitles (srt), listening to audiobooks (mp3) with subtitles (srt, lrc) and reading texts (txt, rtf). It is made specially for languages learners (for English learners first of all). The basic feature of the player is the opportunity of fast translation of words of contexts in dictionaries connected to the program, and also in external electronic dictionaries.
English Online is a comprehensive program for Israeli students learning English as a foreign language. The program makes full use of current technology by providing students and teachers with an Internet site that contains activities based on authentic online sources.
Added by: asistjk | Karma: 15.02 | Black Hole | 15 October 2011
English Trainer Software. Han-bratan
В помощь изучающим English. Программа также полезна тем, кому бывает необходимо запомнить значения различных терминов, выражений и т.д. Ее основное отличие - совершенно не требует от пользователя никаких действий или времени. Достаточно только выполнять свою повседневную работу на компьютере.
This is a flash-card program, which is:
- Small (both in terms of footprint and window size)
Jest to program do nauki angielskiego, głownie słowek. Słowka wymawiane przez lektorow. W głownym menu do wyboru mamy słownik obrazkowy, rożnego typu ćwiczenia, zwroty oraz krzyżowki. Software for learning basic English vocabulary and phrases. The program is aimed for the learners at elementary level.
Simple software for learning basic English vocabulary, e.g. months, jobs, fruit, vegetables, capitals, continents, historical data, symbols of chemical elements, etc. The program is accompanied with a test editor.