The Abs Diet
Eat everything. Concentrate on whole grains. Drink milk. Balance protein with carbohydrates. Avoid processed sugars. Do some exercise. The idea that a diet book making such proposals comes as a pleasant surprise shows just how far afield we've gone in the search for new ways to be fit. The only thing new about this diet by the editor-in-chief of Men's Health is its name, and this, one can presume, is because nowadays, a book simply called "Sensible Eating" wouldn't sell. The book's title is indeed misleading; only the final chapter deals solely with abs. |
Tags: because, nowadays, simply, called, presume |
Over recent years the policy of isolating and institutionalizing mentally handicapped people has gradually been dismantled and a major shift to community care has taken place. But integration within the general community and access to special services has greatly increased the number of people with a need to know about mental handicap. Each profession or discipline has its own terminology; nowadays one must be conversant with all of them. In this comprehensive dictionary Mary Lindsey has brought together terms and concepts from a wide variety of fields.
Tags: Handicap, Mental, Dictionary, people, community, nowadays, conversant, comprehensive |