Fethering sleuths Carole and Jude return in a wonderful mystery of bitter rivalries and deep-rooted jealousies Bracketts, an Elizabethan house near the town of Fethering, is about to be turned into a museum. Once the home of celebrated poet Esmund Chadleigh, it has now been decided that it should become a shrine to his life and poetry. But the transition from house to museum is running far from smoothly. For a sudden discovery is made: Buried in the kitchen garden is a human skeleton.
Museum Security and Protection: A Handbook for Cultural Heritage Institutions
The ICMS Handbook is acknowledged as the international standard text for basic security procedures. It was first published as A Basic Guide to Museum Security, and is now fully revised, enlarged and updated.
Each issue of Spotlight includes an extra booklet called Travelogs. The focus is on a specific destination such as a single event, a museum, or a special district in a city, usually from somewhere around the English-speaking world.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 28 August 2011
The Bone Vault
One of the special pleasures of this lively series, written by a veteran sex-crimes investigator for the Manhattan district attorney's office, is the unusual glimpse it gives readers into corners of New York no tourist and few residents ever see (The Deadhouse). Here she turns her attention to the city's major cultural edifices--the Metropolitan Museum, the Museum of Natural History, and the Cloisters--and takes us behind their sealed doors to investigate the murder of a museum curator whose mummified body turns up in an ancient sarcophagus just before it's shipped out of the country.
Uncle Oscar was one of a kind. His dusty antiques shop, the Green Vase -- nestled in San Francisco's historic Jackson Square neighborhood -- was like his own personal museum to the Gold Rush era. Needless to say, I was shocked when he was found dead in his shop, and even more surprised to discover he'd left the venerable establishment to me!