Вторым более новым учебничком (1923 года), то же оксфордское издание и те же авторы пишут уже следущую книжицу. На сей раз речь идет о Middle English Grammar. Этот исторический период является чем-то средним между староанглийским и модерн-английским. Очень интересна. Огромное колличество фактов, которое не даств Вам ни одно современное издание. Опять же описываются происхождения новых слов, влияние французского и славянских языков. Грамотно расписанна эволюция и становление грамматики. A great book of the Oxford edition (1923) with grammar between old and middle English and reflecting to modern English from that time. A great number of facts that helps you to understand the modern language. It describes origin of new words, the influence of French and Slavic languages. Competent description of evolution and use of grammar.
Modern language classrooms are currently dominated by the communicative method of language teaching. This reader draws together recent and newly commissioned papers to show the origins of communicative methodology, how it has developed, what its research justification is and how it can most effectively be used in the classroom.
Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the great ideas and intellectual systems that shaped modern thought.
Fully revised and updated, the second edition of this authoritative guide to modern English is a comprehensive, scholarly and systematic review of modern English. In one volume, the book presents a description of both the linguistic structure of present-day English and its geographical, social, gender and ethnic variations.
Children will learn all about different civilizations and inventions—the way they changed history, their evolution over centuries, and their influence on modern times—through the activities and anecdotes provided in this interactive series. One thousand years of ancient Roman civilization and its effect on modern living are presented in this interactive guide. Divided into themes and further supplemented by time lines and sidebars, every aspect of Rome is discussed, from Pompeii and gladiator bouts to the technology behind Roman baths and siege machines. A comprehensive "who's who" of ancient Rome explains the various roles within the empire and also takes a look at their daily lives. Children's understanding of the Roman way of life is enhanced with 15 activities that range from creating mosaics to building replicas of Roman ruins.