This is a file with a lot of practical tips about how to deal with IELTS. These tips are the outcome of many different sources including students' mistakes.
How to Write a Bestselling Self-Help Book: 69 Fatal Mistakes You Should Avoid
Added by: alexa19 | Karma: 4030.49 | Other | 10 February 2008
The "must have" book by the acknowledged expert for self-help/how-to business, recovery, sports, health, self-improvement, hobby, crafts, health, and New Age writers. "If you follow only a third of her advice, you'll have a successful book." Jeremy Tarcher, publisher Tarcher-Putnam. In this exclusive Ebook, author-editor Jean Marie Stine shows writers how to avoid the errors that keep most self-help books from finding publishers and off the bestseller lists if they are published. In How to Write a Bestselling Self-Help Book: The 69 Fatal Mistakes You Should Avoid, Jean Marie Stine shares insights gained during her two decades as a self-help editor for St. Martin's, Houghton-Mifflin, Jeremy P. Tarcher and other publishers. Ninety-nine out of a hundred self-help manuscripts, she says, are rejected by publishers because of the same, oft-repeated writing mistakes. And, even if the books are accepted, these mistakes keep books from reaching the bestseller lists. Her book shows readers how to identify and avoid the 69 most deadly mistakes a self-help writer can make. Readers will learn to troubleshoot their manuscripts the same way professional self-help/how-to writers do--eliminating potential defects before they ship it off to publishers, editors or agents. Stine describes each of the 69 key mistakes so clearly that even novice writers will be able to recognize them when in their own manuscripts. Then she explains how to avoid or correct the problem.
Is that what you mean? - 50 common mistakes and how to correct them. В книге анализируются 50 типичнейших ошибок, которые чаще всего допускают изучающие английский язык (control vs. check, boring vs. bored, etc). Все ошибки снабжены весёлыми иллюстрациями. Книга разделена на пять частей, с проверочными тестами после каждой. Также в книге есть ответы на все задания, что делает возможным её использование не только на уроке, но и самостоятельно.