by Jill Murphy "The children were having breakfast..."
Mrs. Large determines to have just five minutes' peace from the mess and confusion of her beloved children. She fixes herself a tray, runs a tub of lovely warm water, fills it with bubble bath, and hopes for those precious moments alone before facing the day's activities. The "activities'' follow her to the bathroom, where, one by one, they present her with their special talents of playing the recorder, reading aloud, and dumping favorite toys from the toy box into the tub with her.
A Piece of Cake by Jill Murphy (Illustrator) Mrs. Large, that peerless pachyderm parent last seen in Five Minutes' Peace , makes a return engagement. This time, she decides that she's just a tad too elephantine (as her baby succinctly puts it, "Mummy's got wobbly bits"). Accordingly, she dons an enormous orange sweatsuit emblazoned with the word "FIT" and puts her reluctant husband and the four little Larges on a diet...
Fictions of British Decadence is a fresh account of the emergence, development, and legacy of fiction written in the era of Oscar Wilde. It examines a broad range of texts by a diverse array of Decadent writers, from familiar figures such as Ernest Dowson and John Davidson to lesser-known innovators such as Arthur Machen and M.P. Shiel. MacLeod fills a large gap in understanding the movement that helped negotiate transition from the Victorian triple-decker to experimental Modernist fiction.
Очень красочный учебник с хорошим крупным шрифтом содержит в себе множество интересных текстов, стихотворений песен. Понятные таблицы обьяснят азы грамматики. 90 различных уроков не дадут скучать вашим подопечным.
This excellent textbook for many teachers in Estonia for students in elementary school. The manual was developed jointly with the Methodists BBC. Very colorful textbook with a good large print contains a lot of interesting texts. Clear the table to explain nuts and bolts of grammar. 90 different lessons will not miss your trust. BOOK IS IN ENGLISH ONLY.
Added by: mythoslogos | Karma: 125.17 | Fiction literature | 10 September 2008
Sense and Sensibility
is Austen's first published novel and the one now most scrutinized by
historicist and feminist scholars, who offer new, complex readings of
the work. The text is that of the 1813 Second Edition (the origins of
which can be traced back to 1795). The text is fully annotated and is
accompanied by a map of nineteenth-century England. "Contexts" explores
the personal and social issues that loom large in Austen's novel:
sense, sensibility, self-control, judgment, romantic attachments,
family, and inheritance.