If teacher education, as a field of study, is to contribute to the revitalization, re-moralization and re-politicization of Education, this book argues that it needs to be alert to questions of teachers’ intellectual and political freedom and to concerns about the legitimacy of what we do in teacher education, in the name of Education.
Advancing education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in U.S. public schools has been at the forefront of educational issues and a national priority (President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, 2010). Although there is a need for this ambitious initiative, students with disabilities has been left out of the conversation. Individuals with disabilities have been underrepresented in STEM fields for many years. Traditionally individuals with disabilities in STEM careers lag even further behind discrepancies of race and gender in these areas.
General Education and Language Teaching Methodology
This book presents a selection of papers on teaching English as a foreign language and the role of language education in human development. As thinking skills rely on language, language education should exceed utilitarian and everyday communicative needs and should be the basis for developing other school subjects. The book provides practical suggestions for language teaching, for the development of logical thinking and the understanding of the linguistic relationship between the first and the second languages in a historical perspective.
Neoliberalism’s War on Higher Education reveals how neoliberal policies, practices, and modes of material and symbolic violence have radically reshaped the mission and practice of higher education, short-changing a generation of young people.
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