A Discourse for the Holy Grail in Old French Romance
The Holy Grail made its first literary appearance in the work of the twelfth-century French poet, Chrétien de Troyes, and continues to fascinate authors and audiences alike. This study, supported by a theoretical framework based on the psychoanalytic works of Jacques Lacan and the cultural theory of Slavoj Zizek, aims to strip the legend of much of the mythological and folkloric association that it has acquired over the centuries, arguing that the Grail should be read as a symptom of disruption and obscurity rather than fulfilment and revelation.
Chapter 1 Discourse Analysis Manual Chapter 2 Discourse Analysis of a Technical Article: Normalization of a Text Chapter 3 Discourse Analysis of a Technical Article: Reduction of Tables
From Discourse to Logic If you are a semanticist you already know that anything Kamp writes matters. Now that there is a book in which he appears as the principal author, I'll make the sensible prediction that this two-part magnum opus will make history. It will be consulted as an essential reference for years to come, and will surely join the ranks of distinguished books such as Montague's celebrated Formal Philosophy.
Analyzing Newspapers - An Approach from Critical Discourse Analysis
This book offers both an understanding of newspaper reporting and a means for readers to develop their own critical analysis. Using a wealth of contemporary case studies, students are taught how the language of journalism works, providing students with an accessible and user-friendly guide to analyzing newspapers around the globe.
This volume brings together for the first time research by linguists working in cross-linguistic discourse analysis and by second language researchers working in the contrastive rhetoric tradition. The collection of articles by prominent authors and younger scholars encompasses a variety of research approaches and treats numerous naturally-occurring spoken and written genres, including conversations, narratives, academic expository writing, journalism, advertising, and professional promotional texts.