Science and the Garden: The Scienific Basis of Horticultural Practice
Most conventional gardening books concentrate on how and when to carry out horticultural tasks such as pruning, seed sowing and taking cuttings. This book is unique in explaining in straightforward terms some of the science that underlies these practices. It is principally a book of 'Why' - Why are plants green? Why should one cut beneath a leaf node when taking cuttings? Why do plants need so much water? But it also goes on to deal with the 'How', providing rationale behind the practical advice. The coverage is wide-ranging and comprehensive and includes the basic structure and functioning
The world's best-selling astronomy magazine offers you the most exciting, visually stunning, and timely coverage of the heavens above. Each monthly issue includes expert science reporting, vivid color photography, complete sky coverage, spot-on observing tips, informative telescope reviews, and much more! All this in an easy-to-understand, user-friendly style that's perfect for astronomers at any level.
The Textbook of Medicine provides all that any doctor needs to know to practice top-level internal medicine. It gives compreensive coverage of the epidemiology, aetiology, and mechanism of disease, as well as clear, unambiguous coverage of the diagnosis, practical management and prevention of the entire spectrum of medical disorders.
Completely updated every year, Frommer's Bermuda features gorgeous color photos of the sights and experiences that await you. Our authors hit all the highlights, including the best beaches; shopping at luxury boutiques and local markets; and scuba diving and adrenaline adventures. They've checked out the best mega-resorts, hotels, and restaurants, and offer authoritative, candid reviews that will help you find the choices that suit your tastes and budget. You'll also get up-to-the-minute coverage of shopping and nightlife; in-depth coverage of the best beaches and golf courses; accurate neighborhood maps; and advice on planning a successful family vacation.
Pediatric Allergy supplies the comprehensive guidance you need to diagnose, manage, and treat virtually any type of allergy seen in children. Drs. Leung, Sampson, Geha, and Szefler present the new full-color second edition, with coverage of the diagnosis and management of anaphylaxis, the immune mechanisms underlying allergic disease, the latest diagnostic tests, and print and online at Treat the full range of pediatric allergic and immunologic diseases through clinically focused coverage relevant to both allergists and pediatricians. Understand the care and treatment of pediatric patients thanks to clinical pearls discussing the best approaches.