Книга, состоящая из десяти тематических разделов, содержит образцы писем, касающихся разных ситуаций, возникающих при ведении научной и деловой переписки; в них использованы слова, словосочетания и выражения, характерные для корреспонденции на английском языке. С целью закрепления лексики и грамматики в книгу включен материал для перевода как с английского на русский, так и с русского на английский, а также русско-английский словарь.
The book consists of ten chapters, contains samples of letters relating to various situations that arise in the conduct of scientific and business correspondence, they used words, phrases and expressions characteristic of the correspondence in English.
This volume contains contributions from 24 internationally known scholars covering a broad spectrum of interests in cross-cultural theory and research. This breadth is reflected in the diversity of the topics covered in the volume's chapters, as well as in a closing dialog between 14 of the field's top experts.
A unique feature of this book is that chapters favor that line of cognitive linguistics which makes a clear distinction between real world and projected world. Information conveyed by language must be about the projected world. Both the experimental results and the systematic claims in this volume call for a weak form of whorfianism. Also, chapters add some relatively unexplored issues of bilingualism to the well-known ones, such as gender systems in the bilingual mind, context and task, synergic concepts, blending, the relationship between lexical categorization and ontological categorization among others.
John Donne in the Nineteenth Century tracks the myriad ways in which "Donne" was lodged in literary culture in the Romantic and Victorian periods. The early chapters document a first revival of interest when Walton's Life was said to be "in the hands of every reader"; they explore what Wordsworth and Coleridge contributed to the conditions for the 1839 publication of the only edition ever called The Works, which reprinted the sermons of "Dr Donne". Later chapters trace a second revival, when admirers of the biography, turning to the prose letters and the poems to supplement Walton, discovered that his hero's writings entail the sorts of controversial issues that are raised by Browning, by the 'fleshly school' of poets, and by self-consciously "decadent" writers of the fin de siecle.
With its mighty 18,000km coastline, eastern Australia practically wrote the book on beach life and watersports. Should you manage to drag yourself away from the ocean, you'll find the rest ain't so bad either: mountain ranges, rainforest, outback and three vibrant capital cities will keep you busy during low tide.
Maps galore
Focus on sustainability and eco-tourism options
Environment and history chapters by expert authors