Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Coursebooks, YLE | 28 February 2016
Big English Plus engages students with rich and varied content, encourages progress with ongoing review and assessment and helps develop independent learning and critical thinking with challenging activities. More reading, More grammar, More exam preparation.
This book has been written as an aid for students working with our publication, ECCE Exam Practice. It covers words, phrases and expressions occurring in parts one and two of the Listening Section and the GVR section of all six examinations. Each unit also includes consolidation activities covering the more challenging grammar and vocabulary problems of the ECCE.
Teaching Challenging Texts shows how to increase reading comprehension and enhance student engagement, even with the most challenging texts. Every chapter features ready-to-use, research-based lessons, replete with explicit instructions, handouts, Common Core correlations, and assessments. "Exploring the Future" features fiction by George Orwell, Suzanne Collins, and William Golding; nonfiction by Philip Zimbardo, Stephen Pinker, Abraham Lincoln, Jared Diamond, Dan Ariely, and Ray Kurzweil; images from several films, an old television commercial; and classical and contemporary music.
Giving difficult news clearly and sensitively is no easy task. However, there are ways to say the right thing at the right time. 500 Letters for Difficult Situations offers helpful templates for when you need to say something tactfully and gracefully. Inside, you'll find letters to guide you through the most challenging communications
500 Letters for Difficult Situations ensures that you know what to say and how to say it.
Specifically for children in first grade, this essential workbook teaches children basic math concepts and skills and then offers a variety of activities for skill-and-drill practice. Featuring 48 pages of challenging lesson content with real-life applications, easy-to-understand directions and a complete answer key.