Invisible Man, published in 1954, was Ralph Ellison's masterpiece and strongly influenced the rest of his life. He was known for his refusal to be categorized as a "black writer." Learn more about Ellison with this text, which includes an extensive biography of the author, literary criticism, a list of works by and about the author, and more.
It has been said that "Invisible Man" by Ralph Ellison is the greatest African-American literary achievement to date. Along with a collection of excerpts of some of the best criticism available on the work, this new volume in the "Bloom's Guides" series includes a brief biography of the author, detailed character profiles, structural and thematic analysis, an annotated bibliography, and more.
Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry into the Value of Work
A philosopher/mechanic's wise (and sometimes funny) look at the challenges and pleasures of working with one's hands Called "the sleeper hit of the publishing season" (The Boston Globe), Shop Class as Soulcraft became an instant bestseller, attracting readers with its radical (and timely) reappraisal of the merits of skilled manual labor. On both economic and psychological grounds, author Matthew B. Crawford questions the educational imperative of turning everyone into a "knowledge worker," based on a misguided separation of thinking from doing.
Something about the Author (SATA) is an ongoing reference series that examines the lives and works of authors and illustrators of books for children and young people. SATA includes not only well known writers and artists but also less prominent individuals whose works are just coming to be recognized. You'll find SATA informative and entertaining, whether you are a student, a librarian, an English teacher, a parent, or simply an adult who enjoys children's literature.
The author of Fahrenheit 451 and The Martian Chronicles is among the bestknown science fiction/fantasy writers today.This title, Ray Bradbury, part of Chelsea House Publishers’ Modern Critical Views series, examines the major works of Ray Bradbury through full-length critical essays by expert literary critics. In addition, this title features a short biography on Ray Bradbury, a chronology of the author’s life, and an introductory essay written by Harold Bloom, Sterling Professor of the Humanities, Yale University.