Added by: babakinfos | Karma: 2211.42 | Fiction literature | 15 April 2016
Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen (annotated)
The volume provides comprehensive explanatory notes, an extensive critical introduction covering the context and publication history of the work, a chronology of Austen's life and an authoritative textual apparatus. This edition is an indispensable resource for all scholars and readers of Austen.
The phylontogenic theory proposes an original understanding of nose, sinus and midface formation and development by looking back in evolution for the first traces of the olfactory organ and then tracing its successive phyletic transformations to become part of the respiratory apparatus and finally the central point of human facial anatomy.
The Golgi apparatus is more than 110 years in the center of interest and scientific debates. It constitutes a main crossroads in secretory and endocytic traffic. However, despite thousands of details known about architecture, organization, and transport mechanisms across the Golgi stacks of cisternae, and potentially due to this plethora of information, it is difficult to find explanations, how the complex system works. The book summarizes all new data obtained after development of methods of Golgi complex sub fractionation, molecular biology and microscopy
This volume in The History of Literary Criticism brings together a wide range of highly informative essays on developments in literary criticism and theory during the twentieth century. The main focus is on historical, philosophical and sociocultural approaches to literature and it offers both authoritative treatments of the topics under review and a lively sense of engagement and dialogue among the contributors. It has a full bibliographical apparatus and provides an invaluable resource for readers who are seeking to orient themselves in this complex and often bewildering field.