Teaching Writing Across the Curriculum, Third Edition
Teaching Writing Across the Curriculum, presented here in its third edition, provides a comprehensive, accessible discussion of teaching writing across the curriculum. Written by one of the leaders in the field of writing across the curriculum (WAC), it offers a brief introduction to WAC and then discusses how writing can be used to help students learn and communicate.
Culture, Body, and Language: Conceptualizations of Internal Body Organs across Cultures and Languages
One of the central themes in cognitive linguistics is the uniquely human development of some higher potential called the "mind" and, more particularly, the intertwining of body and mind, which has come to be known as embodiment. Several books and volumes have explored this theme in length. However, the interaction between culture, body and language has not received the due attention that it deserves.
Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Human Dimensions
Underlying these categories, shared meanings are revealed, as well as core values and health beliefs in Chinese culture. The complex human dimensions of TCM are shown to be deeply rooted in social, cultural and historical contexts in the Chinese diaspora. The author draws from and extends her PhD research on lived Chinese experiences and conceptions of TCM across diverse individuals, populations, two focus groups in Australia, and three focus groups in Macau and Hong Kong.
Zaatar Days, Henna Nights: Adventures, Dreams, and Destinations Across the Middle East
Zaatar Days, Henna Nights offers a street-savvy take on the contemporary Arab world that's seldom seen on the evening news. This is a story of discovery and faith, of making bonds and breaking stereotypes, and of finding oneself where one least expects to.