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The Celtic Languages 2nd Ed.

The Celtic Languages 2nd Ed.The Celtic Languages 2nd Ed.

The Celtic Languages describes in depth all the Celtic languages from historical, structural and sociolinguistics perspectives with individual chapters on Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Manx, Welsh, Breton and Cornish.
This new edition has been thoroughly revised to provide a comprehensive and up to date account of the modern Celtic languages and their current sociolinguistic status along with complete descriptions of the historical languages.
Tags: Celtic, languages, Languages, historical, account
The Trial & Death of Socrates: Apology and Phaedo

The Trial & Death of Socrates: Apology and PhaedoThe Trial & Death of Socrates: Apology and Phaedo

The trial and death of Socrates remains a powerful document, partly because it was a true account of one of the greatest figures in history. In "Apology", Socrates defends himself before the court against charges of corrupting youth and "Phaedo" is the account of the last words of Socrates.
Tags: Socrates, Phaedo, account, Apology, corrupting, Trial
Vessel Source Marine Pollution

Vessel source marine pollutionVessel source marine pollution

Analysing the regulation of vessel-source pollution from the perspective of the political interests of key players in the ship transportation industry, Alan Khee-Jin Tan offers a comprehensive and convincing account of how pollution of the marine environment by ships may be better regulated and reduced
Tags: pollution, marine, environment, account, convincing, Vessel, ships
The Secret History of Star Wars

The Secret History of Star WarsThe Secret History of Star Wars

Star Wars is one of the most important cultural phenomena of the Western world. The tale of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and the fall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker has become modern myth, an epic tragedy of the corruption of a young man in love into darkness, the rise of evil, and the power of good triumphing in the end. But it didn’t start out that way. In this thorough account of one of cinema’s most lasting works, Michael Kaminski presents the true history of how Star Wars was written.
Tags: Secret, Skywalker, History, account, cinema\'s
Closed on Account of Rabies: Poems and Tales

Closed on Account of Rabies: Poems and Tales of Edgar Allan PoeClosed on Account of Rabies: Poems and Tales of Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe's stories rank as some of the greatest horror ever written--and that's before the likes of Iggy Pop, Diamanda Galás, Abel Ferrara, and Christopher Walken (chilling, as he reads from "The Raven") got their hands--er, voices--on Poe's words. This two-disc compilation is a success if only for treating Poe's texts in the right manner, with subtle backing music and sounds and restrained, ominous performances from the readers.
Tags: Edgar, Allan, backing, subtle, music, Closed, Tales, Account