The Only Negotiating Guide You'll Ever Need: 101 Ways to Win Every Time in Any Situation
The Essential Guide to the Power of Persuasion In The Only Negotiating Guide You’ll Ever Need, Peter Stark and Jane Flaherty, celebrated consultants to some of the country’s top companies, take the dread out of persuasion. Their 101 Winning Tactics make powerful negotiating skills easy and accessible, giving you tools and knowledge you can put to use right away. Each tactic is on a single page, with a clever and memorable name, a true-to-life example of how to use it, and suggested counter tactics in case someone tries it on you. All 101 tactics are so accessible and empowering that you will find yourself using them immediately--and maybe not just at work.
Hailed by the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society as "a very welcome addition to the mathematical literature," this text is appropriate for advanced undergraduates and graduate students. Written by two internationally renowned mathematicians, it offers an accessible treatment that requires no previous knowledge of algebraic topology.
Accessible Mathematics: Ten Instructional Shifts That Raise Student Achievement
Raising students' math achievement doesn't mean ripping up your planning book and starting over. In Accessible Mathematics Steven Leinwand (author of Sensible Mathematics) shows how small shifts in the good teaching you already do can make a big difference in student learning. Accessible Mathematics is Leinwand's latest important book for math teachers. In it he focuses on the crucial issue of classroom instruction. He scours the research and visits highly effective classrooms for practical examples of small adjustments to your teaching that lead to deeper student learning in math.
Written by leading market risk academic, Professor Carol Alexander, Pricing, Hedging and Trading Financial Instruments forms part three of the Market Risk Analysis four volume set. This book is an in-depth, practical and accessible guide to the models that are used for pricing and the strategies that are used for hedging financial instruments, and to the markets in which they trade. It provides a comprehensive, rigorous and accessible introduction to bonds, swaps, futures and forwards and options, including variance swaps, volatility indices and their futures and options, to stochastic volatility models and to modelling the implied and local volatility surfaces.
This supplement consists of the author's lectures of a freshmen-level mathematics class offered at Arkansas Tech University. The text represents a serious effort to produce exposition that is accessible to a student at the freshmen or high school levels.