Texts from the Pyramid Age (Writings from the Ancient World 16)
Ancient Egypt is well known for its towering monuments and magnificent statuary, but other aspects of its civilization are less well known, especially its written texts
Many of the topics that are commonly placed in the area of recreational mathematics have occupied their niches for many years. Therefore, although the bulk of the material in this book was written almost four decades ago, it is largely still topical. The primary areas that are not are where the computer has increased our capability. At the time it was written, the four-color theorem was not yet proven and the largest known prime was but a shadow of what it is now.
Mark Twain and the Art of the Tall Tale is a study of a peculiar American comic strategy and its role in Mark Twain's fiction. Focusing on the writer's experiments with narrative structure, Wonham describes how Twain manipulated conventional approaches to reading and writing by engaging his audience in a series of rhetorical games--the rules of which he adapted from the conventions of tall tale in American oral and written traditions.
CD-ROM to American Global CompaniesThis CD-ROM is a companion piece to the American Global Companies textbook series, written by top Russian educators from across the country. It combines texts from several sources, predominant among them the Voice of America and eJournal USA.
The goal in creating this CD-ROM was to take this wealth material and make it classroom friendly.
Along with each written text are activities—listening, writing, critical thinking, vocabulary development, discussion topics, games