The incredible Incas may have built South Americas greatest civilisation, but they could be very icky indeed! The poor prisoners they pulled up their huge pyramids were likely to experience a very painful death. But things werent much better for your average Inca.
Ms. Frizzle and her class along with an inventive high-tech bus that invites children on high-flying hijinks that introduce the incredible world of science.
Added by: babakinfos | Karma: 2211.42 | Kids, Video | 29 May 2019
The Magic School Bus Rides Again (Season 1)
Ms. Frizzle and her class along with an inventive high-tech bus that invites children on high-flying hijinks that introduce the incredible world of science.
The human body is unmatched by any other species on Earth. Explore our amazing anatomy in fine detail before delving into the intricacies of the complex processes, functions and systems that keep us going through incredible illustrations, photography and explanations. Take the head-to-toe tour and begin to see yourself in a whole new light!
The Incredible 5 Team 1 Interactive Whiteboard SOFTWARE
The Incredible 5 Team to seria podręczników do języka angielskiego dla klas 4-6 szkoły podstawowej. Kurs kładzie nacisk na aktywną naukę języka, oferując duży zasób ćwiczeń zróżnicowanych pod względem typu i stopnia trudności. Tematy i zadania zostały dobrane i opracowane w taki sposób, by zaciekawić uczniów i zachęcić ich do nauki. Kurs jest dostępny wyłącznie w oryginalnej, międzynarodowej edycji - jego adresatami są prywatne szkoły językowe.
All in English. Level A+ for kids in primary school.