TTC - Classics of British Literature Course No. 2400 48 lectures, 30 minutes/lecture Taught by John Sutherland, California Institute of Technology (Caltech) University College London Ph.D., Edinburgh University How does literature connect a nation to its past? And why does hearing a poem, attending a play, or reading a novel so often become more than the act itself? How do such works open windows into the historical, cultural, or intellectual worlds of the writers who created them? Few nations offer a literary legacy that addresses these questions as well as that of Great Britain. Reuploaded. Thanks to miaow!
The synthesized research findings presented in this document are based in part on an earlier technical document presented by McREL entitled A Theory-Based Meta-Analysis of Research on Instruction (Marzano, 1998), which summarizes findings from more than 100 studies involving 4000+ control groups.
This compilation of essays and reviews, gathered posthumously from the New York Times Book Review and other publications, solidifies John Gardner’s legacy as a consummate teacher and controversial critic with a provocative sense of humor. Writing about his fellow craftsmen, John Gardner offers piercing insights into those whose works he admired and those whose works he didn’t.
In a book of intellectual breadth, James Wertsch not only offers a synthesis and critique of all Vygotsky's major ideas, but also presents a program for using Vygotskian theory as a guide to contemporary research in the social sciences and humanities. He draws extensively on all Vygotsky's works, both in Russian and in English, as well as on his own studies in the Soviet Union with colleagues and students of Vygotsky.
In this book, Lindsay offers biographies of 90 female English language mystery writers. Each A-Z entry includes the author's full name, a short biography, a summary of the author's major works and themes, a discussion of the author's critical reception, a bibliography of the author's works separated by series, and a list of works about the author. Appendixes list by year all of the women who have either been nominated or won major mystery awards. The book ends with a bibliography of monographs about women mystery writers and a name and subject index.