Juan Cabrillo and his crew of mercenaries engage in one daring rescue operation after another with progressively higher stakes in Cussler's high-octane eighth Oregon Files novel (after The Silent Sea), his sixth collaboration with Du Brul. The rescue of a kidnap victim, an Indonesian teenage boy, from an Afghan village, yields a bonus in the form of MacD Lawless, a former U.S. Army Ranger, who proves of immediate value. Betrayals, more rescues, and escapes follow as one mysterious man seeks world domination using a discovery linked to 13th-century China.
My Job Went to India and All I Got was This Lousy Book
You've already lost your job. You may still be drawing a paycheck, but the job you were hired to do no longer exists. Your company has changed, the technology has changed, the economy has changed, and the ways you can add value have changed. Have you adapted to these changes? Or are you at risk?
Added by: badaboom | Karma: 5366.29 | Fiction literature | 16 April 2011
Evolution's Darling
In the context of this novel, "Evolution's Darling" is a phrase used by people who envy sentient AIs (Artificial Intuitions) "because they could evolve... within the span of a lifetime, while biologicals were trapped on that slow wheel of generations." The "Darling" of the title refers to a former starship mind, an AI whose increasingly intimate bond with the adolescent daughter of the ship's captain allowed his Turing Quotient to exceed 1.0. With a value above that level, an "artificial" is granted personhood and full human rights. After gaining a cyborg body and outliving his lover, Darling's unique abilities lead him to become an art dealer.
Show Me the Money: How to Determine ROI in People, Projects, and Programs
From IT to HR, from boardroom to shop floor, increased accountability for achieving high-value results for new initiatives is the norm in every organization. The Phillips', the world's leading experts on ROI strategy, distill their years of experience and research into proven tools for determining the value of any project before, during, and after implementation. They present a comprehensive method for measuring the hard-to-measure, and placing monetary value on the hard-to-value. They even show how to measure and place value on "intangible" qualities like leadership, creativity, customer loyalty, employee engagement, and more.
The Rajah’s Diamond, the most precious diamond in the world, seems to bring bad luck on everyone who comes into contact with it. Owned by Sir Thomas Vandeleur, his wife tries to sell it to pay her debts. But the diamond is stolen and then falls into the hands of various people who are all corrupted by its great beauty and value. Follow the diamond as it travels from London to Edinburgh to Paris and find out what happens to it…