Museum Marketing: Competing in the global marketplace
Museums have moved from a product to a marketing focus within the last ten years. This has entailed a painful reorientation of approaches to understanding visitors as 'customers'; new ways of fundraising and sponsorship as government funding decreases; and grappling with using the internet for marketing.
Geometric Optics: Theory and Design of Astronomical Optical Systems Using Mathematica
This book—unique in the literature—provides readers with the mathematical background needed to design many of the optical combinations that are used in astronomical telescopes and cameras. The results presented in the work were obtained by using a different approach to third-order aberration theory as well as the extensive use of the software package Mathematica®.
Do you want to recognize the most suitable models for analysis of statistical data sets? This book provides a hands-on practical guide to using the most suitable models for analysis of statistical data sets using EViews - an interactive Windows-based computer software program for sophisticated data analysis, regression, and forecasting - to define and test statistical hypotheses.
This e-book was originally published in print form by the Catalan Teachers of English Association, to help launch the BritLit initiative at the APAC Congress in February 2009. It coincided with a visit to schools in the city of author Louise Cooper, who also contributes to this book, and a short series of workshops for teachers about the project.
In this one fabulous book, Donna Dewberry answers all the questions about using her painting techniques on glass and ceramics. Donna teaches how to use each of her brushes, how to accomplish her special brush strokes, and how to combine them to paint flowers, leaves, bugs, butterflies, trees, and more. Also included are tips and secrets for successfully painting on clear glass and ceramic surfaces using FolkArt Enamels and the mediums especially formulated to use with these paints. 36 pages.