Although dermatomyositis is a rare connective tissue disease, many physicians are confronted with the diagnosis and treatment of patients affected by this condition.
Dermatologists are being asked to understand the pathophysiology of a number of immune-mediated skin diseases. In addition, a number of new products have appeared on the market during the past decade which requires an understanding of the mechanisms of action of these drugs.
Understanding Human Motivation is a lively presentation of how factors such as biological nature, instinct, past experience, and society determine what we do.
"This new book on human motivation by Donald Laming represents a fresh look at an important area of psychology. The material is presented in the original idiom of real life stories in newspapers, which serve to illuminate classical controversies in social psychology. Although the book also has some novel theoretical insights, it should be particularly useful for students beginning in psychology."
While most English professionals feel comfortable with language and literacy theories, assessment theories seem more alien. English professionals often don’t have a clear understanding of the key concepts in educational measurement nor do they understand the statistical formulas associated with psychometrics. But understanding assessment theory-and applying it-by those who are not psychometricians is critical in developing useful, ethical assessments in college writing programs, and in interpreting and using assessment results.
This lively guide introduces the key hand shapes and gestures you need to communicate in British Sign Language. The illustrations depict both the actions and facial expressions used to sign accurately, while the companion CD-Rom features real-life BSL conversations in action to further your understanding. With these practical tools, you’ll become an expert signer in no time!