This book will give you the key to the most awesome power within your reach! This remarkable book has already helped readers the world over achieve the seemingly impossible just by learning how to bring the incredible force of the subconscious under their control. Now you, too, can learn these powerful techniques for changing your life simply by changing your beliefs.
This new edition of Mike Davis’s visionary work gives an update on Los Angeles as the city hits the 21st century. No metropolis has been more loved or more hated. To its official boosters, "Los Angeles brings it all together." To detractors, LA is a sunlit mortuary where "you can rot without feeling it." To Mike Davis Los Angeles is both utopia and dystopia, a place where the last Joshua trees are being plowed under to make room for model communities in the desert, where the rich have hired their own police to fend off street gangs, as well as armed Beirut militias.
Iris Murdoch's first novel is set in a part of London where struggling writers rub shoulders with successful bookles, and film stariets with frantic philosophers. Its hero, Jake Donaghue, is a drifting, clever, likeable young man, who makes a living out of translation work and sponging off his friends. However, a meeting with Anna, an old flame, leads him into a series of fantastic adventures.
The New York City Subway System (Building America: Then and Now)
Teeming with a population of 3.5 million at the end of the 19th century, the island of Manhattan couldn't meet the city's demand for rapid transit with its horse-drawn trolleys and elevated train lines. New York City needed a subway system. After four years of digging and diverting miles of utilities and tunneling under the Harlem River, the city's residents celebrated a new era in mass transit on October 27, 1904, with the opening of a nine-mile subway route.
Four tales about a greedy giant and a clever stranger, a grouchy king and his mouse jester, a war between cabbages and cucumbers, and a bird who wishes to be more colorful.