Literary scholars face a new and often baffling reality in the classroom: students spend more time looking at glowing screens than reading printed text. The social lives of these students take place in cyberspace instead of the student pub. Their favourite narratives exist in video games, not books. How do teachers who grew up in a different world engage these students without watering down pedagogy?
Created especially for the Australian customer! Take advantage of the bestfeatures of these versatilederivatives CFDs enable you to have control over a wide variety of financial products for just a fraction of their underlying value. But with their potential for higher return also comes higher risk. CFDs For Dummies gives you clear advice on how to make the most of these exciting products — while managing your risk at all times.
A classic collection of oral German folklore, brought together for posterity by the scholarly brothers Grimm in the 1800s, this epitome of fairy tales includes many of the world’s best known stories. In these dark foreboding woods, you will find: Rapunzel, Hansel and Gretel, Rumpelstiltskin, Lily and the Lion (better known as Beauty and the Beast), and Snow White and Rose Red, among other timeless works. These tales were later heavily revised and sanitised, but here are presented closer to their grim and beloved originals.
American Countercultures: An Encyclopedia of Political, Social, Religious, and Artistic Movements (3 Volumes)
Counterculture, while commonly used to describe youth-oriented movements during the 1960s, refers to any attempt to challenge or change conventional values and practices or the dominant lifestyles of the day. This fascinating three-volume set explores these movements in America from colonial times to the present in colorful detail. "American Countercultures" is the first reference work to examine the impact of countercultural movements on American social history. It highlights the writings, recordings, and visual works produced by these movements to educate, inspire, and incite action in all eras of the nation's history.
With easy-to-follow directions and fun exercises, this set of books motivate students to work on their own, give students the targeted, skill-building practice they need with these standards-based books.