Humor can be used as a systematic teaching or assessment tool in your classroom and course Web site. It can shock students to attention and bring deadly, boring course content to life. Since some students have the attention span of goat cheese, we need to find creative online and offline techniques to hook them, engage their emotions, and focus their minds and eyeballs on learning. This book offers numerous techniques on how to effectively use humor in lectures and in-class activities, printed materials, course Web sites and course tests and exams.
The magazine for photo enthusiasts of all skill levels looking to maximize their digital photographic experiences. Each issue is filled with reviews of the latest high-end D-SLRs, the hottest new digicams, and the newest editing techniques. Plus, exciting profiles on top industry photographers and tips for maximizing your photos.
Learn to appreciate yourself with these ten simple solutions for building self-esteem. These easy-to-grasp tips for fostering a positive sense of self distill and add to many of the best, most effective techniques from the author Glenn Schiraldi's successful Self-Esteem Workbook. They draw on techniques from Eastern and Western traditions: mindfulness practice, thought-watching, strengths appreciation, and more. With the simple solutions in this book and a little practice, you can discover what a wonderful and valuable person you really are.
Bear Grylls has served with the British Special Forces, climbed Everest and explored the Arctic. In this exciting series he shows us how to survive the toughest and most remote environments on the planet by putting himself in the position of a stranded tourist. He parachutes into rainforests and abseils into deserts, lakes and the highest, most inhospitable peaks in America.
Landscape Architecture - the magazine of the American Society of Landscape Architects provides timely information on built landscapes and new techniques for ecologically sensitive planning and design.