Think Teen! 1st Grade of Junior High School / Advanced (audio)
The Think TEEN series is addressed to learners of the English Language in the first grade of junior high school. Think TEEN consists of the student's book, the workbook, the teacher's book and the Audio CD. The student's book comprises nine units. Units 1-8 include three lessons each. Lesson 3 of Unit 5 is a review lesson and Unit 9 is a review unit.
Seriously silly stories: Snow White and the Seven Aliens. Ghostyshocks and the Three Scares
This collection of seriously silly stories puts a new - and very, very funny - spin on some tales that we all know and love. With easy-to-read text and black and white illustrations that make the stories even more entertaining, Seriously Silly Stories, by the award-winning author Laurence Anholt, provide the ideal introduction to the pleasure of books for young readers. Titles here: * Snow White and the Seven Aliens * Ghostyshocks and the Three Scares
Pack up the tent and put on your sneakers, it's time for a delightful camping adventure! And who better to lead the expedition than our intrepid friend Arthur. We join Arthur and his gang enroute to the woods to view wildlife in their natural habitat. Their journey takes a sour turn however, when their teacher, Mr. Radburn, falls and twists his ankle. He retires to his tent to elevate the swollen limb, leaving Arthur and his pals stranded. If this isn't daunting enough, a stealthy bear makes off with the group's food supplies! Not to be discouraged, the classmates put their heads together to problem solve a solution to their dilemma.
Этот учебник предназначен для учеников младших классов общеобразовательной школы (1-2 год обучения)
Cool reading series represents fairytales and stories for graded readers which fall into four levels to study English: Starter, Beginner, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate. Such scale helps trainees to select the appropriate level of difficulty to read texts and fulfill exercises. This very text contains seven stories at Starter Level with well-thought tasks.