What a wonderful, exciting adventure they have—Nora, Mike, Peggy and Jack—on their summer holidays. They go to Prince Paul's magnificent castle at Killimooin, high up in the mountains of Baronia. Little do they suspect that these mountains hold a dangerous band of robbers who are intent on capturing them and Prince Paul!
Added by: susan6th | Karma: 3133.45 | Fiction literature | 2 November 2010
Sit, Stay, Slay
This isn't a "cute" mystery; there's more than a touch of Raymond Chandler's mean streets here, and Kendra's not completely straight and narrow. She's a woman caught up in change, who's had her self-image cracked and is trying to figure out how to put the pieces back together. When a pet-sitting client and friend is found dead, her immediate reaction is to get involved not so much to seek the man's killers or find justice, but to keep herself from being eyed too closely as a suspect. It's an intriguing start to a new series, with a main character who shows a great deal of potential for growth, something that can help keep the character fresh even as the bodies pile up around her.
The good people of Pickax are agog with anticipation: Not only is the new bookstore, The Pirate's Chest, about to open, but the Theatre Club is set to perform Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest. The play does not continue past opening night, however, for a member of the cast is killed in a car accident . . . or was it an accident? Koko seems to suspect otherwise, and Qwill and his clever cats have their work cut out for them.
Three armed men raid the Ute tribe's gambling casino, and then disappear in the maze of canyons on the Utah-Arizona border. The FBI takes over the investigation, and agents swarm in with helicopters and high-tech equipment. Making an explosive situation even hotter, these experts devise a theory of the crime that makes a wounded deputy sheriff a suspect -- a development that brings in Tribal Police Sergeant Jim Chee and his longtime colleague, retired Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn to help.
Will's ex-girlfriend has been killed and his brother Ken, has disappeared. He was the prime suspect in the girl's murder. Will also has the demands of his job as a worker with the homeless of the New York City. When he finds out that his brother is alive after all and his current girlfriend disappears as well, Will is arrested by the FBI as the prime suspect to the murder of the girl. Will is at breaking point. Only his friend Squares and Will's determination to get justice, and find out what he needs to to ensure that justice is served, keep him going during further mystery and danger.