The Handbook of Human Rights will comprise a two volume set consisting of more than 50 original chapters that clarify and analyze human rights issues of both contemporary and future importance. The Handbook will take an inter-disciplinary approach, combining work in such traditional fields as law, political science and philosophy with such non-traditional subjects as climate change, demography, economics, geography, urban studies, mass communication, and business and marketing.
The third volume in Terry Deary's gritty and humorous history series for adults The reign of Elizabeth I, a Golden Age? Try asking her subjects. Elizabethans did all they could to survive in an age of sin and bling, of beddings and beheadings, galleons and guns. Explorers set sail for new worlds, risking everything to bring back slaves, gold, and the priceless potato. Elizabeth lined her coffers while her subjects lived in squalor with hunger, violence, and misery as bedfellows. Shakespeare shone and yet the beggars and thieves, the doxies and bawdy baskets, scraped and cheated to survive in the shadows.
How to Talk to Your Kids About Really Important Things: Specific Questions and Answers and Useful Things to Say
Added by: avrodavies | Karma: 1114.24 | Other | 1 November 2014
Charles E. Schaefer and Theresa Foy DiGeronimo's classic guide offers parents, teachers, counselors, and others the help they need to find the words to talk to kids and answer their questions. The book is filled with practical advice on discussing a wide range of life's experiences with children from family changes like moving to a new home, divorce, and remarriage to broader subjects such as child abuse and AIDS.
Physics is frequently one of the hardest subjects for students to tackle because it is a combination of two of the toughest subjects for most students: Math and Word Problems. If you understand the math but don't do well in word problems then you will have trouble. And if you understand the word problem but have no idea where to begin with the math, again, you will not do well.
This book presents a new perspective on the interaction between word-order and grammaticalisation by investigating the changes that stylistic fronting and oblique subjects have undergone in Romance (Catalan, French, Spanish) as compared to Germanic (English, Icelandic). It discusses a great deal of historical comparative data showing that stylistic fronting and oblique subjects have (had) a semantic effect in the Germanic and in the Romance languages, and that they both appear in the same functional category.