Eleven-year-old Marty Preston loves to spend time up in the hills behind his home near Friendly, West Virginia. Sometimes he takes his .22 rifle to see what he can shoot, like some cans lined up on a rail fence. Other times he goes up early in the morning just to sit and watch the fox and deer. But one summer Sunday, Marty comes across something different on the road just past the old Shiloh schoolhouses -- a young beagle -- and the trouble begins. Reuploaded Thanks to Kahena
The world is changing ever more rapidly, and the rules of marketing are no different, writes Godin, the field's reigning guru. The old ways-run-of-the-mill TV commercials, ads in the Wall Street Journal and so on-don't work like they used to, because such messages are so plentiful that consumers have tuned them out. This means you have to toss out everything you know and do something "remarkable" to have any effect at all, writes Godin (Permission Marketing; Unleashing the Ideavirus).
William has just received the best present of his life - an old, real-looking stone and wooden model of a castle, with a drawbridge, a moat, and a finger-high knight to guard the gates. It's the mysterious castle his housekeeper has told him about, and even though William is sad she's leaving, now the castle is his! William can't wait to play with the castle - he's certain there's something magical about it. And sure enough, when he picks up the tiny silver knight, it comes alive in his hand!
What would you like to have? What would you like to do? What would you like to be? Yes, what is it? Now, whatever you said, what’s stopping you? Why don’t you have it? Why don’t you do it? Why don’t you be it?
Put yourself on the spot, what is it? Be brutally honest with yourself. Do you really want that? Sometimes we think we want something and then when we really get right down to it, it isn’t that important to us. You may have already seen that when you’ve released on goals.What you thought was something you just must have, you find out
Something Wicked by Lee Mather 2012by Lee Mather 2012
The thing in the mirror isn’t Harold. He tried to forget the past, tried to forget what he did. But some secrets will not stay buried, and Harold has good reason to be afraid.