The utopian community of Eden-Olympia, an isolated and secure multi-national business park, features the lastest services and facilities for elite high-tech industries, until a doctor at its clinic goes on a suicidal shooting spree, revealing the dangerous psychological vents behind the park's placid surface.
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 20 June 2016
With a polished walking stick and neatly pressed trousers, Richard Halliburton served as an intrepid globetrotting guide for millions of Americans in the 1920s and '30s. Readers waited with bated breath for each new article and book he wrote. During his career, Halliburton climbed the Matterhorn, nearly fell out of his plane while shooting the first aerial photographs of Mt. Everest, and became the first person to swim the Panama Canal.
“Trouble in El Paso—clear it up!” That was Slade’s job—to find the man behind the rustling, the killings, the destruction that had both sides of the Rio Grande ready to explode. Slade opened the game by shooting two rustlers out of the saddles—and knew that from then on he was marked for death!
The book contains lessons on each element of the exposure-aperature, shutter speed, iso-and how it relates to the other two in terms of depth of field, freezing and blurring action, and shooting in low light or at night. A section on special techniques explores such options as deliberate under- and overexposures, how to produce double exposures, bracketing, shooting the moon, and the use of filters. Understanding Exposure demonstrates that there are always creative choices about how to expose a picture-and that the decision is up to the photographer, not the camera.
Nancy, whose bright social existence masked an obsessional doomed love which soured her success; Pam, a countrywoman married to one of the best brains in Europe; Diana, an iconic beauty, who was already married when at 22 she fell in love with Oswald Moseley, the leader of the British fascists; Unity, who romantically in love with Hitler, became a member of his inner circle before shooting herself in the temple when WWII was declared; Jessica, the family rebel, who declared herself a communist in the schoolroom and the youngest sister, Debo, who became the Duchess of Devonshire.